Raised gardens are a practical way to grow beautiful flower gardens or bountiful vegetable gardens.. There are many advantages that a raised garden has over conventional gardens such as they are solutions to size constraints, weeds are less prevalent and the quality of the soil is better. You can think of a raised beds as sandboxes for the big kid in you.
Not everyone lives on a farm where gardens can be any size one's heart desires. Some people find themselves with property that is too small to accommodate any type of garden. A raised garden may be the perfect way to overcome this. Raised gardens can be built to any size with less space needed to walk through. Other advantages include better soil conditions. This is due to the fact that the soil is less compacted than conventional gardens. Less compacted soil gives roots room to breathe. Water drainage is better which in turn keeps your garden soil moisture at good levels. Fertilizers, mulch and compost are easily distributed in a raised bed. Gardening can be back breaking work but a raised bed brings the garden to you relieving stress on your back
Raised gardens are constructed much in the same way as sandboxes are. You start with 4 edges, connect them to make a box and fill it with garden rich soil. Basically, the only difference between raised garden beds and sandboxes is what you use to full it in with. Landscape borders, timber and railroad ties are some suggested material to construct your box out of. Sandboxes are to be filled with dry sand where as a garden bed will be watered on a regular basis. This difference should be taken into consideration when choosing landscape borders to create your bed with.
One great advantage to constructing a raised garden bed is that they produce more flowers and vegetables for a longer amount of time. This is due to the fact that they heat up faster and are able to produce farther into fall. This means that this eye appealing masterpiece will also be a profitable investment when it comes to your dinner table.
With your pick of landscape borders, the perfect arrangement of flowers or the perfect mix of garden vegetables, your raised gardens will be beautiful additions to your landscape. You will be the envy of all your friends and neighbors.
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